{ items: [ { label: "cl_viewmodel_scale", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible" }, { label: "vid_bitsperpixel", type: "cvar", default_value: "32", description: "how many bits per pixel to render at (32 or 16, 32 is recommended)" }, { label: "vid_conheight", type: "cvar", default_value: "600", description: "virtual height of 2D graphics system" }, { label: "vid_conwidth", type: "cvar", default_value: "800", description: "virtual width of 2D graphics system" }, { label: "vid_fullscreen", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "use fullscreen (1) or windowed (0)" }, { label: "vid_grabkeyboard", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "whether to grab the keyboard when mouse is active (prevents use of volume control keys, music player keys, etc on some keyboards)" }, { label: "vid_hardwaregammasupported", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "indicates whether hardware gamma is supported (updated by attempts to set hardware gamma ramps)" }, { label: "vid_height", type: "cvar", default_value: "768", description: "resolution" }, { label: "vid_minheight", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "minimum vid_height that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods)" }, { label: "vid_minwidth", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "minimum vid_width that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods)" }, { label: "vid_mouse", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "whether to use the mouse in windowed mode (fullscreen always does)" }, { label: "vid_pixelheight", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "adjusts vertical field of vision to account for non-square pixels (1280x1024 on a CRT monitor for example)" }, { label: "vid_refreshrate", type: "cvar", default_value: "60", description: "refresh rate to use, in hz (higher values flicker less, if supported by your monitor)" }, { label: "vid_resizable", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "0: window not resizable, 1: resizable, 2: window can be resized but the framebuffer isn\'t adjusted" }, { label: "vid_samples", type: "cvar", default_value: "1", description: "how many anti-aliasing samples per pixel to request from the graphics driver (4 is recommended, 1 is faster)" }, { label: "vid_stereobuffer", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "enables \'quad-buffered\' stereo rendering for stereo shutterglasses, HMD (head mounted display) devices, or polarized stereo LCDs, if supported by your drivers" }, { label: "vid_stick_mouse", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "have the mouse stuck in the center of the screen" }, { label: "vid_userefreshrate", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "set this to 1 to make vid_refreshrate used, or to 0 to let the engine choose a sane default" }, { label: "vid_vsync", type: "cvar", default_value: "0", description: "sync to vertical blank, prevents \'tearing\' (seeing part of one frame and part of another on the screen at the same time), automatically disabled when doing timedemo benchmarks" }, { label: "vid_width", type: "cvar", default_value: "1024", description: "resolution" }, { label: "vid_x11_display", type: "cvar", default_value: "", description: "nexuiz-linux-*.sh will use this. This can have three possible settings: \"\" run as usual, \":n\" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed \":n/layout\" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed with ServerLayout layout" }, { label: "vid_restart", type: "cmd", description: "restarts video system (closes and reopens the window, restarts renderer)" }, ] }